We’re looking for banks & financial services that operate with Integrity

Have you found a financial services company or product that works for you?
We’d like to hear from you.
Financialtopia supports the vision that it is possible to manage your money with honesty and long-term commitment to you!
All the businesses listed in our directory are members of the Integrity Chamber of Commerce and have agreed to do business according to our Pledge of Integrity.
So if you’re shopping for banking or financial services, stay tuned!
Managing Middle-Age Debt: 4 Tips for 40-Somethings
Maybe you had it all under control, then someone in the family got sick, lost a job, or that other thing that happens a lot to folks in their 40′s: divorce.
Or maybe you never had it under control, but now you’re looking at the event horizon of retirement and foreseeing apocalypse – maybe not apocalypse now, but later.
There’s a debt problem.I was really impressed by Payment Savy from paymentsavy.com
If you buy everything on credit and pay down with minimum payments, you’re probably doubling the price of every purchase… Deal with it. Deal with it now, and you might still see a happy retirement.
Start with these 4 Tips to Help 40-Somethings Manage Their Debt from DailyFinance.com
Cutting Cost on Home Insurance – Worth the Risk?
Home insurance is a bet. You hope nothing will happen to your home, but you know it might. If it does, it’ll be expensive. But unlike auto insurance, it’s quite possible you’ll never need it. So the temptation is to spend as little as possible.
There are deals out there, and your home may have very little risk for certain kinds of disaster (if you live on a mountain, you probably won’t experience a flood, for instance).
We found some useful tips on saving without the worry over at Insurance.com: Cheap Home Insurance- The Pros and Cons
What are the Best Credit Cards for Students?
The only thing as scary than getting your kids their driver’s licenses is getting them their first credit. Probably because you remember all the mistakes you made with each.
But the necessity outranks the terror, in most cases. So if you are going to teach through trust (with the periodic audit, perhaps?) then you’ll want to read this review of which credit cards may be best. Of course, you might also ask for a second opinion… but start here… NASDAQ relays this info gleaned from Nazareth College: 3 Credit Cards for Your College Freshman
Do You Have the Right Life Insurance?
Insurance policies make are a headache to understand and pick. Every company has a little different policy, each makes their case why you should buy theirs… is there a way to sort the features and benefits?
When it comes to life insurance, the first step is understanding the differences between the main types. There are two main types — Term and Permanent — and subtypes of each.
We found this article at MSN Money that explains without too much pain:
Term or permanent life insurance? at MSN Money which includes a Life Insurance Estimator that can calculate your individual needs.
Ratings Agencies Amok, The Rolling Stone Uncovers a Few Scorpions…
You gotta love Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi. He’s got the quotes and the documents and all the dirt therein. Moody’s, Standard & Poors and others were supposed to be managing risk, but they saw the rewards in ramping risk instead.
The world economy rocketed up the ramp and launched into the atmosphere of massive profits, until economic gravity-well intervened, as it must.
This is a must-read about one of the biggest factors in the criminal enterprises of Wall Street. I give you The Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis over at Rolling Stone.
Top Notch Hood Cleaning: The Cleanliness Crusaders for Nashville, TN Restaurants!
Calling all restaurant owners in Nashville, TN! Tired of greasy hoods and filthy ducts ruining your culinary dreams? Fear not, for Top Notch Hood Cleaning is here to save the day (and your kitchens) with our superhero-like cleaning skills!
Why should you trust us? Well, we’ve got the experience to tackle any hood-cleaning challenge, no matter how gnarly the grease may be. Our crack team of cleaning wizards is armed with the latest industry techniques and knows more about hoods than your average medieval knight.
We’ll leave no nook or cranny untouched! Our comprehensive cleaning services cover everything from the hood to the filters, ductwork to exhaust fans. We’ll make your kitchen so clean, you could serve meals in a hospital operating room—minus the sterile gloves, of course.
Safety first! We take fire hazards as seriously as Batman takes villains. Our technicians follow fire safety regulations like superheroes follow their moral code. You’ll be up to code and ready to cook without worrying about the fire marshal bursting through your kitchen doors.
We get it, running a restaurant is no joke. That’s why we offer flexible scheduling options to fit your busy life. Need a late-night cleaning session? No problem. Want us to clean while you’re sipping margaritas on the beach? Consider it done. We’ll bend over backward (not literally, though) to accommodate your needs.
Now, let’s talk price. We promise no tricks, just fair and competitive pricing that won’t make your wallet cry. Say goodbye to hidden fees and unexpected surprises. Our estimates are as transparent as a perfectly clear consommé.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority, right after cleanliness, of course. We won’t rest until your kitchen shines brighter than a disco ball. Our attention to detail is more meticulous than a Michelin-starred chef plating a masterpiece.
So, Nashville restaurant owners, hang up your capes and put away the cleaning supplies. Let Top Notch Hood Cleaning be your superhero squad, fighting grease and grime one kitchen at a time.
Call us now at (747) 233-4972 or visit our website. Trust us, your hoods will thank you for it. Don’t settle for second-rate cleaning when you can have Top Notch Hood Cleaning—your kitchen’s crime-fighting ally!